Autism Consulting Online are running a number of courses for people working or living with children with Autism, and have provided a free webinar with “important information for ASD parents on how to use the stay-at-home time to ensure uninterrupted progress for ASD children.”
“As a response to the increased anxiety, behavioural and sensory needs of children staying at home, the online courses provide training to parents and professionals in effective techniques to ensure uninterrupted progress. A few places are left for the upcoming Autism Online Services: Webinars, Courses, Therapies and Consultations.
To book your webinar or e-course, click here.
To book your e-therapy or e-consultation, click here.
Book four e – therapies or e – consultations and get a discount €15 per hour.”
To view the free webinar, click here:
- April 20 – 7 Mondays Become Your ASD Child’s Own Behavioural Social Communication Therapist, For Parents – €425, 50% off, 5 places left
- April 20 – 7 Mondays How to Deliver ABA Social Communication Therapy, For Teachers and Therapists – €425, 50% off, 5 places left
- April 21 – Tuesday – Understanding Auditory Processing Disorder, €145, 5 places left
- April 21 – Tuesday – How to Write a Social Story for a Person with Autism,€145, 5 places left
- April 22 – 4 Wednesdays – Self-Management Techniques & Academic Motivational Strategies for ASD Learners, €565, 5 places left
- April 23 – 7 Thursdays – Become Your Child’s Own Practitioner of Integrated Therapies ABA, Multi-Sensory and Neurodevelopmental Learning, €357/day, 5 places left
- April 24 – 7 Fridays – Become a Neurointegration Practitioner, €285/day, 5 places left